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What Makes Kids Kick@Home
by Fran Kick
What Makes Kids Kick @ Home builds on the overall framework provided in the first book of this series by Fran Kick about the Millennial Generation. It details what inspires kids specifically at home, while providing pragmatic steps that you can take to reach them, teach them and lead them. While every generation faces a changing world, the author takes into account the specific challenges this generation faces (born 1980–2000±) and the speed at which they face them. As these changes and challenges are vastly different from what previous generations experienced, Fran Kick asserts that current motivational strategies and tactics need to be vastly different as well.
The goal is to help develop students to become self-motivated adults who have an internal, ever-present, self-inspiring motive to make things happen so they can become the next generation of leaders who KICK IT IN & TAKE THE LEAD!
“Fran’s broadly generational approach to today’s kids is very nicely executed. While he’s familiar with youth up close and has a voracious appetite for interesting facts, he also sees the big picture. I learned a lot. There are things in here that I didn’t know and I make a living doing this!”
Neil Howe
Co-author of Generations and Millennials Rising
“What fantastic books!!! I gave my sister, who is a high school counselor in Scottsdale, the What Makes Kids Kick@Home one. Your graphics are always so stunning and they are on this book as well. I really enjoyed What Makes Kids KICK. Positive, well thought-out and researched, lots of good ideas, fun to read, plus great resources. Covers all the ground of Millennials Rising and more, but in a more accessible way. It’s a home run!”
Claire Raines
Author of Connecting Generations and Generations at Work
“What Makes Kids KICK is filled with good advice for coaches, educators, parents and anyone else who works with kids. Fran Kick presents a thoughtful and research informed approach to engaging youth, packaged in a lively and vital way. His work recognizes not only that getting kids involved is beneficial, but that making it fun and meaningful is essential to making it happen.”
Richard Ryan, Ph.D.
Co-editor of the Handbook of Self-Determination Research
“Fran Kick not only knows what makes kids kick, he understands what kids today need to be the kind of self-motivated, self-reliant everyday heroes the world will soon need them to be. Helping today’s generation of children to think for themselves demands a new adult-child level of communication that’s positive, unambiguous, and constructive. This book offers parents, teachers, and anyone else who works with today’s youth a clearer perspective of the strategies and skills most helpful in diminishing an over-dependence on the approval-driven choices of others. Guiding a more internally directed generation of kids who won’t fall victim to an externally manipulative world, What Makes Kids KICK can serve as your resource of resources.”
Elisa Medhus, M.D.
Houston, Texas
“Fran Kick knows kids inside out, and he gives real-world practical ideas for those seeking to parent and teach them. This book provides a wealth of amazing resources and usable tools to KICK IT IN with kids of all ages!”
Eric Chester
Founder & President of Generation Why
“Fran Kick’s series of books on What Makes Kids Kick are a breath of fresh air and should be required reading to those of us who are parents or teachers. You will find them a wonderful tool for understanding what motivates drives, distracts, and frustrates our Millennial young people. Fran’s conclusions are laser guided and definitely on the mark. With 37 years as a high school teacher and having 6 children and 13 grandchildren I was thrilled to read Fran’s insights and amazingly thorough research concerning today’s youth. Being of the Boomer generation and having taught through three generations of students I was delighted by the way Fran dissipated the clouds of confusion about what makes our current young people tick.”
Walt Lovell, Teacher
Elko High School, Nevada
“I constantly hear kids voice two complaints about the adults in their life – ‘they don’t listen’ and ‘they don’t understand.’ By helping us listen and understand, Fran Kick opens doors for positive communication with the kids we know, love, and long to lead into healthy adulthood.”
Walt Mueller, President
Center for Parent/Youth Understanding
Title: What Makes Kids Kick @ Home
Author: Fran Kick
Copyright: 2005
ISBN: 9781591990161
Publisher: Instruction & Design Concepts
Language: English
Length: 207 pages
Format: Paperback, Perfect Bound, 6×10.5 inches
Homes, Families and Neighborhoods
Parents and Parenting
Technology Media/TV and Life 24/7/365
Today’s Kids are Active
Inspiring Kids to be Self-Disciplined