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Kick It In & Take The Lead
Developing the Self-Motivation to Take The Lead (Volume 1)

This unique collaboratively interactive book explores what it takes to develop the self-motivation to really make things happen. It’s definitely action oriented literally, graphically, and experientially so you can:
- Shatter the myths of leadership and see a new awareness level.
- Define leadership inclusively so everyone can discover the leader inside themselves.
- Discover the many roles, characteristics and styles of leadership and why sometimes they matter or sometimes they don’t.
- Find out what type of person you are when you make things happen, watch things happen or wonder what’s happening.
- Analyze your attitude to find out what motivates you extrinsically and intrinsically.
- Develop the commitment, trust and risk taking confidence in yourself and others.
- Realize whether you’re congruent in thoughts and action, words and deeds, talkin’ and walkin’ and KICKin’ IT IN!
If you’re someone who works with students and you are sick and tired of always telling them what to do and when to do it or if you are a student who’s sick and tired of always being told what to do and when to do it this book is for you!
“Kids will get ‘kicks’ learning about leadership from this book. What I liked best was its humorous way of introducing serious issues.”

Dr. Bernard Bass, Ph.D.
Author of Transformational Leadership
“Well-based in leadership theory as an effective source for leadership application. The understanding of leadership is impressive because the guide recognizes that at the heart of the process of leadership lies the motivation of either leaders or followers—and motivation of the right sort, combined with self regard and self understanding, lies at the very heart of leadership.”

James MacGregor Burns
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author of Leadership
“I’ve followed the work of Fran Kick for a couple of decades. Without question, these new offerings are several cuts above even his earlier excellent work, which is saying a lot! It is exciting to see this and how a new generation of students will be creatively engaged in developing superior leadership and followership perspectives and skills. Thank you Fran.”

Ira Chaleff
Author of The Courageous Follower
“A must read for every student leader! It not only clearly defines their role as leaders, but it provides practical easy-to-apply ideas and tools to help them make a significant impact on their campus, in their community, and in their own lives!”

Eric Chester
Co-Author of Lead Now or Step Aside!
“Fran Kick’s book ‘Kick It In’ provides a great introduction to leadership. By integrating leadership theory with self-assessment tools, the book helps kids learn how to develop their own styles and understand the needs of others.”

David Chrislip
Author of The Collaborative Leadership Fieldbook
“Fran Kick’s book is a superb resource for young people today. Packed with easy-to-follow strategies that are unique and deeply principled, this book teaches you how to develop the leadership qualities needed to truly succeed in today’s world.”

Sean Covey
Author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens
“Fran Kick’s Take the Lead series is an accessible guide for students and teachers seeking to develop socially responsible leadership. Importantly, the books view everyone as a potential leader and encourage young people, in particular, to explore and develop their talents as leaders and followers committed to the common good. The books concisely present different perspectives on leadership and offer excellent exercises that help students clarify their own views and values. The attention to context, culture, and “conflict with civility” is truly vital at a time when change is swirling all around us.”

Barbara Crosby, Fellow
The Leadership Trust Foundation, UK Author of Teaching Leadership
“I enjoy the scaffolded approach to introducing leadership to students. The organization is clear and easy to understand, and I am sure in concert with any workshop/seminar-type format, the books are a perfect complement. I liked the introspective focus in leadership as getting students to first realize their own capacity for leadership is critical.”

Joel Domingo, Ed.D. Director of Research/Professor of Leadership
City University of Seattle, Washington
“A fresh new approach to helping students grow as leaders. Fran Kick brings the idea of Socially Responsible Leadership to the forefront which will enable young leaders to learn how to combine being a follower, a leader, and a servant to others. This resource is going to help generations of young people learn to solve problems and serve people in their communities!”

Patrick M. Erwin, Director of Curriculum
Growing Leaders/Maxwell Leadership
“A great resource for anyone working with youth in leadership development. I have had the opportunity to share Kick It In & Take The Lead with students and my colleagues in the field of recreation. First comment ‘How do I get a copy?’ Top reason: this book fills a void of explaining positive leadership in a creative, interesting way youth can understand!”

Alf Grigg, CPF, Professor
Seneca College, Toronto
“What a KICKin’ way to help a new young generation learn about leadership! What I particularly liked best about this book is that it clarifies the concept of leadership and introduces the Social Change Model for leadership development, especially focusing on the 7Cs. As an international education scholar and teacher, I highly recommend it.”

Philip K.F. HUI, Ph.D.
The Hong Kong Institute of Education
“Fran Kick’s ‘Kick It In & Take The Lead’ series engages students and equips educators to cultivate stronger learning outcomes in leadership and followership. The books’ interactive approach makes complex leadership concepts accessible to all students—not just those with formal titles—while emphasizing the crucial partnership between effective leadership and intelligent followership. A highly recommended resource for fostering the next generation of leaders and followers!”

Dan Jenkins, Ph.D. Professor, Leadership & Organizational Studies
University of Southern Maine
“As a leadership educator, I recognize the critical need for young people to develop both leadership and followership skills early on. Kick It In! provides an engaging and practical foundation for students to think critically about how they show up in various aspects of their lives—whether in school, extracurricular activities, or future careers.
These books are a valuable resource for students, educators, and youth leaders alike—helping shape the next generation of mindful, capable leaders and smart, engaged followers.”

Eric Kaufman, Ph.D. Professor, Leadership Education
Virginia Tech
“The books gave me a good, dynamic overview of what it’s like for my Dad [Eric Kaufman] at some of these leadership conferences. I can use some of the categories in more of my everyday life at college and think more critically about how I show up and present myself in the classroom and other settings.”

Ethan Kaufman, Student
Rollins College, Florida
“Summarizes complicated theories and highlights them in bite-sized chunks, perfect for reaching, inspiring and deeply stirring the leader within each of us.”

Michael Kumer
Nonprofit Leadership Institute
“Interactive, engaging, informative, and inspiring. As is the case with everything, Fran Kick hit it out of the park. It’s a 10!”

Scott Lang, Leadership Trainer
Director of Advocacy for Music & Arts
“Once again my dear friend and respected colleague, Fran Kick, has contributed another wonderful tool to the positive leadership library. KICK IT IN offers a detailed blueprint of success for any aspiring young (or older) person who is ready to assume the responsibilities of an efficient and effective leader. Coupled with the Facilitator Guide this book will help focus students as they explore the pathway of their own unlimited potential. KICK IT IN will, in fact, help you and your students KICK IT IN!”

Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser
Attitude Concepts for Today, Inc.
“To suggest there is a leadership crisis in our world today is not an exaggeration. Solutions to the dearth of effective leaders and followers will require the engagement of younger generations in the workplace who rightfully expect to be valued and developed, to be empowered to innovate, and to collaborate with others who share common purpose. Developing new leaders and followers must begin far earlier than one’s first career position. To that end, Fran Kick has created a pair of workbooks that synthesize complex concepts in concise, visually appealing, and engaging ways. These excellent resources provide teens and young adults with the head start they need to grow into effective leaders and followers in ways that, ultimately, result in healthy organizations.”

Dr. Michael Linville, Ed.D.Professor, Division of Leadership and Followership Studies
Indiana Wesleyan University
“Fran Kick’s concise and thoughtful presentation is a must read for anyone in a leadership role of any kind. The thoughts and everyday usefulness for anyone who takes the time to enhance their knowledge of personal leadership and self-motivation are truly powerful. Judy Kick’s contribution is not to be overlooked. Eye catching, straightforward and stunning design!”

Walt Lovell, Teacher
Elko High School, Nevada
“This book offers a dynamic way to introduce and explore leadership. Youth will enjoy using this book because there are a number of personally relevant activities as well as various real-life examples of leadership included. The facilitator guide includes learning outcomes, which can be correlated to academic standards depending upon your state/province requirements. This alone is a great addition to help instructors who frequently are challenged to justify their leadership programs/classes.”

Mariam MacGregor
Author of Everyday Leadership
“Fran Kick has created an engaging and interactive resource for youth and youth workers alike. I love the energy of this book and the momentum it creates in real life learning. We will use it here at Engage! as part of our European youth leadership program. Heartily recommended!”

Tim Merry
Engage! InterAct, Netherlands
“If you’re teaching leadership, civics or democracy, and looking for a way to grab kids attention, KICK IT IN will fit the bill. It’s clever graphics and hands-on approach will make the learning experience fun. Leadership has become a familiar buzz word, but this book goes beyond the cliché and will help your students—the leaders of our future—learn they can get involved, be effective and accomplish whatever they dream. It shows kids there are leadership opportunities in every aspect of life—sports, clubs, politics, etc.”

Melissa Moonves, Program Director
Miami Fellows Initiative, Florida
“What I particularly like about your book is that it brings leadership concepts down to a simple and personal level, encouraging kids to get involved in their environment. The visuals are just great.”

Nkechi Nwankwo, Executive Director
Women’s Leadership Group, Nigeria
“I thoroughly enjoyed reading these books, as they are clearly crafted to help young people understand emerging topics in leadership. As a practitioner in youth leadership development, I believe these books are essential for any young person embarking on their leadership journey. Moreover, the graphics and visual layout of the books make the content engaging and will improve understanding and retention of key leadership concepts. The insights from both books are universally applicable across different cultures and geographical contexts.”

Israel Oyedare, Founder
Teens and Youth in Leadership (TYIL), Nigeria
“I really like these books. They are a terrific intro to leadership and followership. Well-documented and written. The roots of leadership begin early – in childhood and adolescence. That’s why it’s important to have resources such as these to help young people develop good and effective skills to make them the exemplary leaders and followers of the future.”

Ronald E. Riggio, Ph.D.Professor of Leadership and Organizational Psychology
Kravis Leadership Institute, Claremont McKenna College
“What excellent resources for young people to explore and develop their leadership capacities!”

Corey Seemiller, Ph.D.
Author of The Student Leadership Competencies® Guidebook
Title: Kick It In: Developing the Self-Motivation to Take The Lead
Author: Fran Kick
Copyright: 1st Edition 2001, 2nd Edition 2013
Publisher: Instruction & Design Concepts
ISBN: 9781591990277
Language: English
Length: 36 pages
Format: Paperback, saddle stitched, 8.5×11 inches
A brief history of leadership
The myths of leadership
The 7Cs of leadership
Defining leadership
Leadership Examples
Seeing opportunities to lead
The roles of leadership
The characteristics of leadership
Styles of leadership
Leadership interview
Different types of people – Different types of leaders
Attitude analysis
Spectrum of attitude
Myths and truths of motivation
What motivates you?
Actions speak louder than words
Congruence in leadership
Developing commitment
Risk taking
So now what?