Music Travel Consultants
Tour Director Training Series
OPPORTUNITY: Mark Harting, Vice President for Music Travel Consultants at the time, having seen Fran Kick present to school administrators over the years, reached out in 2014 looking for a customer service type program or clinic that Fran could create for the Music Travel Consultants team.
RESULTS: Fran met with the senior leadership and in collaboration with MTC’s inner-office team designed a series of interactive sessions facilitated in 2014 and 2015. Culminating with a couple of Tour Director Training sessions for all office staff as well as all contracted tour directors.


Music Travel Consultants, a tour operator and travel company, creates customized trips for its clients that provide relevant, memorable, and rewarding student travel experiences. Since 1987, led by accomplished scholastic music directors and musicians, MTC has become the first choice for student music group tours.
“Fran was awesome and the session he planned for us was just what the doctor ordered!”
Mark Harting, Music Travel Consultants