Marching Arts Forum
Live-Streaming Interactive Online Clinic
OPPORTUNITY: The Marching Arts Forum was interested in live streaming their very first Marching Arts Forum Convention at Timber Creek High School on May 5-7, 2017 in collaboration with FloMarching. Having worked with Fran Kick as a DCI Drum Major with Carolina Crown and a participant in the Future Music Educators’ Experience, Hunter Bown reached out to see if Fran Kick would co-host the live-stream and moderate a panel discussion.

RESULT: Drum Corps International (DCI) and Fred J. Miller Inc. (FJM) co-sponsored Fran Kick’s involvement for this weekend production. FloMarching presented this first-of-its-kind interactive online clinic. Over three days, presentations covered: design fundamentals, guide to rehearsal excellence, assessment education, building a world class color guard, leadership training, and two master classes with the Crossmen Drum & Bugle Corps. The event also featured live rehearsal clinics with three local high school bands: Poteet High School, Timber Creek High School, and Ronald Reagan High School. The live stream featured a multi-camera video presentation designed to enhance the viewers’ experience and draw attention to staff members’ instructions during the rehearsals and sessions.
During the event viewers submitted questions online which were then answered on Sunday during a Q&A panel discussion facilitated by Fran Kick.

The Marching Arts Forum began in 2013 with Hunter Bown, Caitlin Hall, and 40 other music education students involved with the UNT Green Brigade. First founded at the University of North Texas, word quickly spread about UNT’s Marching Arts Forum and two more forums were created by students at the University of Indiana and Texas Christian University. The Marching Arts Forum brings students of the marching arts together to share knowledge and build community while learning from the best marching arts minds on the planet.
“Thank you for being a part of this first-of-its-kind event.”
Hunter Bown & Caitlin Hall