Optimist International
College Clubs Tour + Conference

OPPORTUNITY: In July of 2012, Kelly Eggers, the Ohio Optimist International College Club Advisor, expressed an interest in growing the Great Ohio District’s Ohio Optimist Club collegiate membership across the state. Knowing there was a 2nd Annual College Club Conference being scheduled in October, Kelly scheduled a series of collegiate club visits with Fran Kick leading up to the conference. The idea was to share a focused yet engagingly interactive Optimist International message which would also entice student participation in the Optimist College Club Conference.
RESULTS: As a result of Kelly and Fran touring the college club meetings, the October 26-27, 2012 College Club Conference surpassed the previous year’s attendance.
UPDATE: Fran was featured as a keynote speaker during the 2013 Optimist International Convention.


Optimist International is recognized globally as the premier volunteer organization that values all youth and helps them develop to their full potential. College clubs participate in community service programs dedicated to bringing out the best in kids.